
At the Indigenous Training and Skill Development Hub (ITSD), we're proud to work closely with our partners to create inclusive and culturally responsive training programs that meet the needs of the Indigenous communities we work with. 
National Indigenous Fisheries Institute Logo with seaweed

NIFI | National Indigenous Fisheries Institute

National Indigenous Fisheries Institute (NIFI) is an Indigenous-led organization that promotes consistency and standards across Indigenous programs and practices. NIFI was established in 2017 after the National Indigenous Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum. The Institute operates on the principle of collaboration between Indigenous groups and government. It focuses on co-development, co-design and co-delivery approaches to improve programs and practices that impact Indigenous peoples’ lives. NIFI strives to maximize the benefits to communities through best practices and is committed to supporting the growth and success of Indigenous fisheries programs across Canada. NIFI is responsible for administrative and management aspects of the ITSD Hub.

DFO | Fisheries and Oceans Canada

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is a federal department responsible for protecting Canada’s waters and managing its fisheries and oceans. DFO is responsible for making sure aquatic ecosystems remain healthy and sustainable. They encourage economic growth in the marine and fisheries sectors while promoting innovation in areas like aquaculture and biotechnology. The ITSD Hub works in partnership with DFO’s Indigenous Programs Department to develop training curricula and specific skill development or tracking resources for Indigenous communities who participate in DFO’s commercial (PICFI, AICFI, NICFI) and conservation (AAROM, AFS, etc.) programs.